
How To Find Snow In Minecraft

This article is about the thin comprehend acquired by snowfall. For the full block, see Snow Block. For the atmospheric condition, see Snowfall. For the projectile, see Snowball. For other uses, run into Snow (disambiguation).

Snow [a] is a ground cover block that is commonly caused by snowfall.

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

In Java Edition, the but way to mine snow is via a shovel enchanted with Silk Touch. Destroying snow with a non-Silk-Bear on shovel yields one snowball per layer. Any other tool, even if enchanted past Silk Touch, destroys the snowfall and drops nothing. Explosions by TNT or creepers too cause snowfall to yield a snowball. Snow can also exist obtained by causing it to driblet into an invalid block space, in which example information technology drops itself.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ] The dropped snow layer also corresponds with how many layers were in the broken snow pile. If in that location are 8 layers of snowfall, a full snow block drops instead.

In Bedrock Edition, using a shovel on snow (left or right click) yields ane-4 snowballs. iv snow balls tin be crafted into a full snow cake, which tin can in plow be crafted into snowfall layers (3 total snow blocks = vi snowfall layers). Snow layers cannot be "mined" with Silk Touch on. Silk Touch on has no event on the number of snowfall assurance acquired when using a shovel. The number of snow balls caused is as follows: 1 snow ball for snow layers 0-two, 2 snow balls for snow layers three-4, three snow balls for snow layers 5-6 and 4 snow balls for snowfall layer 7 and full snowfall blocks.

Block Snow
Hardness 0.1
Breaking time[A]
Default 0.v
Wooden 0.1
Rock 0.05
Atomic number 26 0.05
Diamond 0.05
Netherite 0.05
Gold 0.05
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded past players with no status furnishings, measured in seconds. For more information, run across Breaking § Speed.

Natural generation [ ]

Snow naturally generates in snowy biomes, cold biomes, and other biomes depending on the meridian and temperature. Only blocks with directly access to the heaven can generate snow layers naturally (with the exception of some snowy villages, which are intentionally fabricated to generate extra snow in areas inaccessible to the sky).[1]

Snowfall generates where in that location is sky access atop buildings in snowy taiga villages.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]

Snow generates in multiple layers as function of many snowy plains village structures.

Snow generates exclusively in single layers in Java Edition, only tin can generate in multiple layers in Bedrock Edition.

Snowfall also generates in ancient cities.

Crafting [ ]

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Snow Cake


Post-generation [ ]

Atmospheric condition [ ]

In snowy biomes or in cold biomes at higher altitudes, the conditions can produce snowfall instead of pelting. In snowy atmospheric condition, snow generates on random blocks with a complete solid tiptop surface at integer y-values, with a block light level of 9 or less, with the exception of ice and packed ice.

Below are the altitudes at which rain ends and snow begins, depending on the biome. The exact height of the snowfall line is randomized: take taiga for case, the lowest possible snowfall layer forms at y level 153, and the lowest height where snow forms at all locations is y=168, with snow lines ranging between y levels 153 and 168 across dissimilar locations.

Biome Layer
  • All snowy biomes
y -64 (All altitudes)
  • Windswept Gravelly Hills
  • Windswept Hills
  • Stony Shore
  • Windswept Forest
y 113–128
  • Taiga
  • Old Growth Spruce Taiga
y 153–168
  • Old Growth Pine Taiga
y 193–208
  • All others except Dry/Hot Biomes
In a higher place y 320 (not possible)
  • Frozen Ocean
  • Deep Frozen Ocean
Depends on location

In Bedrock Edition, upwards to two layers of height snowfall can build up during snowfall; in Java Edition, snow creates only one layer.

Snow layers practice not generate if the gamerule doweathercycle has been gear up to false.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]

Snow golems [ ]

Snow golems generate a trail of snow in snowy, cold, and some medium biomes, or any not-dry biome in Bedrock Edition.

Usage [ ]

Diverse thicknesses of snow.

Snowfall can be placed just on a solid block that is not ice. In Java Edition, snowfall breaks if its back up block is removed. In Bedrock Edition, snow is affected by gravity and falls if it becomes unsupported, and breaks if it falls onto an unsuitable block. A player can jump up one block and 3 snow layers.

Cover [ ]

Snowfall cover grass block, mycelium or podzol.

If the snow is on a grass block (or mycelium or podzol in Java Edition [two]) the ground encompass turns white on the top and around the sides. Snow does not damage tilled and hydrated field areas – it cannot be placed on farmland. A gravity-affected cake like sand or gravel does not fall if snow covers the block below it, only the gravity-afflicted block does replace a snow layer when falling onto it. The texture of the grass block changes to snowy when a unmarried layer of snow is placed on top.[3] [four] Thicker layers of snow causes the grass block to revert to patently dirt when the block receives a random tick, similar to regular grass when covered by an opaque block. A plain dirt cake with a single layer of snow on top gains a snowy texture if grass spreads to it.

In Boulder Edition, if leaves are topped with a layer of snow, particles of snow announced to fall through the leaves from the snowfall layer.

In Bedrock Edition, snow layers tin occupy the same infinite as ane-block flowers, mushrooms, and 1-block ferns and grass, (all the same ii-cake tall plants practice non work)[5] and can be layered and mined normally. Placing snow on already-existing plant blocks causes snow to announced effectually them, but placing plants into an area where there is snow removes the snow.[6]

Snowfall layers can exist used to kill nylium.[7]

Melting [ ]

Powered redstone lamps melting nearby snow.

Snowfall melts if there is a heat block‌[ BE & EE only ], or cake lite level of 12 or more. In Bedrock Edition, it also melts in dry out biomes, regardless of block light or daylight level. If there are multiple layers, layers melt gradually in Bedrock Edition, but they melt all at once in Java.

Some low-cal sources can melt snow but many cannot. The melt radius is taxicab distance.

Item Melt radius
Buoy iii
Campfire three
Soul Campfire -
Conduit 3
Glow Lichen -
Glowstone 3
Jack o'Lantern 3
Lantern 3
Soul Lantern -
Lava iii
Redstone Lamp three
Respawn Anchor one/4 Accuse -
Respawn Anchor 2/4 Charge -
Respawn Anchor 3/iv Charge -
Respawn Anchor 4/iv Charge 3
1 Sea Pickle -
2 Sea Pickles -
3 Sea Pickles -
iv Body of water Pickles 3
Shroomlight 3
Froglight 3
Cease Rod 2
Torch ii
Soul Torch -
Redstone Torch -
Ender Chest -
Furnace 1
Blast Furnace 1
Smoker 1
Crying Obsidian -
Magma Block -
Brewing Stand up -
Chocolate-brown Mushroom -
Dragon Egg -
Redstone Ore -
End Portal Frame -
Burn 3
Soul Fire -
Under Portal -
Sea Lantern iii

Foxes [ ]

When a pull a fast one on gets stuck in the snow after missing an attack on prey, it emits particles as it emerges from the snow.

Sounds [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation primal Volume Pitch Attenuation
Cake broken Blocks In one case the block has broken block.snow.pause subtitles.block.generic.interruption 1.0 0.8 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the cake with fall harm cake.snow.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 xvi
Cake breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.snow.hit subtitles.block.generic.hitting 0.25 0.5 sixteen
Cake placed Blocks When the block is placed cake.snow.identify 1.0 0.8 sixteen
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the cake block.snowfall.step subtitles.cake.generic.footsteps 0.fifteen 1.0 xvi
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition: [ needs in-game testing ]

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks In one case the block has broken dig.snow ? 0.viii
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.snow ? ?
? Blocks While the block is in the process of existence cleaved hit.snowfall ? 0.v
? Blocks Jumping from the cake spring.snow ? ?
? Blocks Falling on the block without autumn damage land.snowfall ? ?
? Blocks Walking on the block step.snow ? ?
? Blocks When the block is placed use.snowfall ? 0.8

Information values [ ]

ID [ ]

Coffee Edition:

Proper noun Identifier Course Block tags Translation key
Snow snowfall Cake & Detail inside_step_sound_blocks

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Form Item ID[i 1] Translation key
Top Snow snow_layer 78 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3] tile.snow_layer.proper noun
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block'south directly detail form has the same id with the cake.

Block states [ ]

Java Edition:

Proper name Default value Allowed values Description
layers ane 1
The number of layers thick.
Each layer adds two pixels to the block height, and each layer after the outset adds ii pixels to the collision box.

Bedrock Edition:

Proper noun Metadata $.25 Default value Allowed values Values for
Metadata Bits
height 0x1
0 0
half dozen
The number of layers in addition to the bottom layer.
covered_bit 0x8 false true
True if the snow is covering a institute.

History [ ]

Missing Model JE3.png

This page would benefit from the improver of more than images.

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The specific instructions are: Appearance when affected by MC-50254

Coffee Edition Archetype
May 20, 2009 Notch briefly mentioned, "Wintertime is an awesome thought. I tin run into snow and tiles slowly getting covered in a layer of snowfall. Besides, ice on lakes. :D"
May 21, 2009 Notch reveals that snow "on top of topmost tiles" was on his to-do list.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.4 Snow (layers 1) JE1 BE1.png Snowfall has been added to maps only in winter mode. When creating a new save, a map has a 1/4 chance of having worldwide snowfall. When falling on exposed country, a sparse snow layer is created.
Snow can not fall onto any non solid blocks, and instead falls through them. The exception to this is leaves.
v1.0.5 Agonizing a snowfall layer past whatever ways other than replacing it now causes a snowball to driblet. This includes melting and mining snow or the cake under it.
A player can at present easily harvest snow by placing a block of h2o. By doing and then, the thespian receives a large amount of snowballs with little effort.
Snow can now fall onto many non solid blocks including drinking glass, stairs, slabs, doors, signs, and pressure plates.
v1.0.5_01 Snowballs tin at present exist harvested from snowfall but by using with shovels.
v1.0.17 Snowfall can no longer fall on non solid blocks, including leaves. Any snow on top of non solid blocks break given a block update.
v1.2.0 preview With the removal of Winter Mode, snowfall can no longer regenerate.
Java Edition Beta
ane.5 Snow (layers 2) JE1.png Snow (layers 3) JE1.png Snow (layers 4) JE1.png Snow (layers 5) JE1.png Snow (layers 6) JE1.png Snow (layers 7) JE1.png Snow (layers 8) JE1 BE1.png Stacked snow layers have been added. They practice not generate naturally and cannot be placed. Layers one-3 have no collision, while four-8 all take a half block collision.
Snow regeneration has now returned as part of the new weather features.[eight]
Snow can now occur in chill biomes.
one.vii Snow (layers 1) JE2 BE2.png Snow (layers 2) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 3) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 4) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 5) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 6) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 7) JE2 BE1.png The side textures of snowfall layers 1-7 are now aligned to the bottom of the cake instead of the superlative.
one.8 Pre-release Snow biomes take been temporarily removed as Notch is currently trying to improve them.
Dropped snow layer items no longer announced larger than normal blocks.
Java Edition
i.0.0 Beta i.nine Prerelease Snow biomes have been re-added.
Snow now occurs in tundra biomes, equally well every bit chill biomes.
one.3.1 12w21a Snowfall has been made available in the artistic inventory.
1.5 13w05a Snowfall can at present be crafted and is obtainable in Survival fashion.
Stacked snowfall layers at present have correct collisions, and tin can be placed.
? Single snowfall layers now have collision. Walking on top of them is equivalent to walking atop a full block below them.
? Single snowfall layers no longer have standoff.
1.8 14w28b The number of snowballs dropped from snow has been increased from 1-eight to two-9, depending on thickness.
1.xiii 17w47a The ID of snow has been changed from snow_layer to snowfall.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 78.
Layer 1 snowfall now has empty collision instead of solid collision of tiptop 0, allowing entities to once again laissez passer through information technology.
1.14 18w43a Snow (layers 1) JE3 BE3.png Snow (layers 2) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 3) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 4) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 5) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 6) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 7) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 8) JE2 BE2.png The texture of snow has been changed.
19w03c Seven layer high snow now uses right cullface arguments.
one.19 22w13a Snow now generate equally function of aboriginal cities.
Pocket Edition Blastoff
Pre-release Snow (layers 1) JE1 BE1.png Added snow to the world generation.
v0.four.0 Snow (layers 1) JE2 BE2.png The model of snow has been changed.
v0.8.0 build 2 Added snow to the Creative way inventory.
v0.12.1 build 1 Snow (layers 2) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 3) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 4) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 5) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 6) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 7) JE2 BE1.png Snow (layers 8) JE1 BE1.png Stacked snow layers have been added. They can be placed. Layers 1-3 have no standoff, while iv-8 all have a half block standoff.
Snow is now affected past gravity, so that unsupported snow layers show falling dust particles.
Snowfall tin can now be placed inside flowers, mushrooms and tall grass.
Snowfall is now obtained past using a shovel on it. Previously, snow was mined like whatever dirt-type block.
Boulder Edition
1.ii.0 ? Snow layers tin now generate in extreme hills biomes.
1.x.0 beta 1.x.0.3 Snow (layers 1) JE3 BE3.png Snow (layers 2) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 3) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 4) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 5) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 6) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 7) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 8) JE2 BE2.png The texture of snowfall has been changed.
1.16.0 beta ane.15.0.51 Snowfall now drops itself when mined with a Silk Touch shovel.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Snow (layers 1) JE1 BE1.png Added snow.
TU54 CU44 one.52 Patch 24 one.0.iv Snow can now exist placed on top of upside-down stairs.
TU69 CU57 i.76 Patch 38 Snow is at present affected by gravity.
1.90 Snow (layers 1) JE3 BE3.png Snow (layers 2) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 3) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 4) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 5) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 6) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 7) JE3 BE2.png Snow (layers 8) JE2 BE2.png The texture of snowfall has been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Snow (layers 1) JE2 BE2.png Added snowfall.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Snowfall", "Snow layer", or "Acme snowfall" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

Trivia [ ]

  • Snowfall can be stacked to a full block beside a cactus without destroying the cactus.
  • Snow layers of 2 to 7 thickness foreclose hostile mobs from spawning.
  • In Spectator mode, a actor positioned at the correct height tin can see the snowy texture of the acme of the grass blocks.

Gallery [ ]

Java Edition [ ]

Boulder Edition [ ]

Notes [ ]

  1. Known as Snow in Coffee Edition and Top Snow in Bedrock Edition.

References [ ]

  1. MC-198006
  2. MCPE-12277
  3. MC-1483
  4. MCPE-32637
  5. MCPE-21688
  6. MCPE-29695
  7. MC-174639
  8. "Minecraft Beta i.5, and some thoughts on this blog" – Notch, Tumblr

How To Find Snow In Minecraft,


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