Starting with macOS Sierra, Apple introduced an "Motorcar Unlock" feature that makes it easier for Apple Lookout owners to unlock their Macs, with the Apple Picket being used for authentication purposes instead of a traditional password.

It's a feature that'south express to more contempo Macs so it'due south not going to work on some older machines, but when it is available, Motorcar Unlock is a super useful pick that genuinely saves a bit of time. Information technology isn't always enabled past default, and so there are a few steps to go through to plough Auto Unlock on. Here'southward how to utilize it.

  1. Navigate to the Apple logo on the upper left hand of the screen and select "Organization Preferences."
  2. Click on "Security & Privacy" from the start row of apps.
  3. Auto Unlock is an selection nether the "Full general" section. Click the cheque box to plough information technology on.


  4. Enter your password.


In one case enabled, Automobile Unlock works automatically whenever your authenticated Apple Lookout is near your Mac (every bit in within a few anxiety). When waking a Mac from slumber and the password entry screen pops up, information technology will say "Unlocking with Apple Watch..." instead of bringing upwards the password text box.

A few seconds later, the Mac volition unlock and you will receive a notification on your Apple tree Watch letting you know the unlocking was successful. If Automobile Unlock fails to authenticate for some reason, the password entry option will pop upward after approximately ten seconds and you will exist required to enter your password to log in.

Motorcar Unlock is a Continuity characteristic, so it is limited to some of Apple's more recent machines. It is supported by all Mac models introduced in mid-2013 or later, and it requires an Apple tree Watch running watchOS 3 or later paired with an iPhone v or afterwards. Handoff must be turned on in System Preferences (General --> Allow Handoff) and your iPhone, Apple tree Lookout man, and Mac must be signed into the same iCloud account.

To enable Machine Unlock, you lot will too need to plough on Two-Factor Authentication if it isn't on already.

For those of y'all using the original Two-Step Verification instead of the Two-Factor Authentication feature introduced with iOS 10, you will need to disable Two-Step Verification on the Apple ID direction site and and so enable Two-Gene Authentication on an iOS device. A passcode also needs to be established on the Apple Watch.

Apple doesn't offer troubleshooting tips if Automobile Unlock isn't working, just signing out of iCloud and back in again and restarting your devices may aid solve whatever issues.

In that location are still instances where you will need to log in with a countersign, like after rebooting your machine, merely for the most part, Auto Unlock successfully replaces password entry on the Mac.

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