
Where Is The Tres Leches Cake From


Tres leches cake

A decorated slice of tres leches cake

Alternative names Torta de tres leches, pan tres leches, bizcocho de tres leches, pastel de tres leches.
Type Sponge cake (or butter cake)
Region or state Latin America, Caribbean, Southern Europe
Chief ingredients Cake base; evaporated milk, condensed milk, heavy cream
  • Cookbook: Tres leches block
  • Media: Tres leches cake

A tres leches cake (lit. 'three milks cake'; Castilian: pastel de tres leches, torta de tres leches or bizcocho de tres leches), as well known equally pan tres leches (lit. 'three milks breadstuff'), is a sponge cake—in some recipes, a butter cake—soaked in three kinds of milk: evaporated milk, condensed milk, and heavy cream.

When butter is non used, tres leches is a very light block, with many air bubbling. This singled-out texture is why information technology does not have a soggy consistency, despite being soaked in a mixture of three types of milk.

Popularity and origins [edit]

Tres leches block is a uniquely traditional Latin American cake.

Recipes for soaked-cake desserts were seen in Mexico as early on as the 19th century, likely a result of the large cross-cultural transfer which took place between Europe and the Americas.[ane] Nicaragua is ane of the countries where tres leches block has become popular.[2] Recipes appeared on Nestlé condensed milk tin labels in the 1940s, which may explain the cake'due south widely disseminated popularity throughout Latin America as the company had created subsidiaries in Chile, Cuba, Republic of colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela in the 1930s.[three] The cake is pop in Fundamental and South America, Due north America, and many parts of the Caribbean area, Canary Islands, every bit well as in Republic of albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, and another parts of Europe.[iv] [5]

Variations [edit]

A variety of tres leches known every bit trileçe/trileće became popular in the Balkans and Turkey around 2015. One theory is that the popularity of Brazilian soap operas in Albania led local chefs to contrary-engineer the dessert, which then spread to Turkey.[6] [7] The Albanian version is sometimes made literally with three milks: moo-cow's, goat'south and h2o buffalo's, though more unremarkably a mixture of moo-cow'south milk and cream is used.[6]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Pack, MM (thirteen Feb 2004). "Got Milk? On the trail of pastel de tres leches". Austin Chronicle . Retrieved 19 January 2014.
  2. ^ Stradley, Linda (2015-05-05). "Tres Leches Cake History and Recipe". What's Cooking America . Retrieved 2021-03-xiii .
  3. ^ Nestlé S.A. Retrieved 19 February 2014
  4. ^ Higuera McMahon, Jacqueline (viii August 2007). "Tres Leches block goes one better". SFGate . Retrieved 19 Jan 2014.
  5. ^ "Creamy and sweetness, tres leches cake is on the rise". The Washington Postal service. 2020-10-02. Retrieved 2022-06-11 .
  6. ^ a b "Trileçe kazan dünya kepçe". Hürriyet. 1 March 2015. Retrieved 13 April 2015.
  7. ^ Dan Nosowitz / (November 12, 2015). "How a Southward American Soap Opera Created a Turkish Dessert Craze". Atlas Obscura. Retrieved Nov 13, 2015.

Where Is The Tres Leches Cake From,


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