
Is Carrot Cake Keto Friendly

Keto carrot cake

Keto carrot cake recipe

Keto carrot cake recipe

An piece of cake keto carrot block recipe with a moist cinnamon crumb filled with carrots, crunchy pecans, and a sugariness cream cheese frosting.

Nobody tin can resist or guess this is a keto low-carb carrot cake! You will honey sharing this commemoration keto block with your friends.

Keto carrot cake recipe
  • Are Carrots Keto-Friendly?
  • How To Make Keto Carrot Cake
  • Storage Instructions
  • Allergy Swaps
  • Oft Asked Questions
  • More Keto Cake Recipes
  • Keto Carrot Block
  • Recipe Macros

Are Carrots Keto-Friendly?

Before sharing this lovely almond flour carrot cake recipe, let'south answer your main questions.

You might think that carrots are high in carbs and high in saccharide, and they shouldn't exist included in a keto nutrition as a keto-friendly vegetable.

You are (partially) right! Eating likewise many carrots can heighten your carb count and your sugar level.

Eating 1 cup of raw carrots every bit part of a meal will blow your daily macros, adding 7.9 grams of net carbs to your twenty-four hours. But, here nosotros are, not talking about eating that many carrots at in one case!

It's totally fine to use carrots sparingly, for texture and flavor, in keto baking recipes.

Allow's do the maths. If you spread 1 ½ cup of carrots into a 16-slice cake, the net carbs per slice from the carrots is only 0.74 grams!

The most important thing about a keto diet is to keep your macros under command.

It's not about putting labels on nutrient. Saying what'southward keto and what isn't. It's all about the balance. Keeping your total daily cyberspace carbs, fat, and protein nether command and keeping your body in fat-burning mode – ketosis.

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So, yep, y'all can eat a slice of this keto-friendly carrot block. It'due south full of skillful fats from keto flours and has no sugar added using keto-friendly sweeteners.

One piece gives you four.1 grams of net carbs. Brand room for it in your meal programme, and you are in for a treat.

Keto carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

How To Make Keto Carrot Block

This gluten-gratis depression-carb carrot block contains quite a few ingredients, and it's piece of cake to miss ane if you don't fix yourself well.

So first, assemble all your ingredients into small bowls and measure each of them precisely.

Step 1: bring ingredients to room temperature

One hour before making this keto carrot block, bring the ingredients out of the fridge to make certain your eggs, butter, and cream cheese are at the same temperature.

One hour is short enough to be on the prophylactic side. No bacteria will grow in that time!

Step two: prepare the bowls and pan

Next, grease two ix-inch round pans with coconut oil. Line a slice of parchment paper at the bottom of each pan and grease again.

I highly recommend double-greasing your cake pans for keto cake recipes to prevent the batter from sticking to the mold.

Also, ready an electrical beater and two large mixing bowls—ane for the cake batter and one for the keto carrot cake foam cheese frosting.

How to make keto carrot cake

Footstep iii: Measure the cake concoction ingredients

Now, measure all the ingredients below into individual bowls or containers.


All you need to make this block are:

  • Almond flour – use ultra-fine almond flour and avert using almond repast. In fact, almond repast is coarse and adds a grainy texture to keto cake recipes, and then I don't recommend it. Read more than almost choosing your keto-friendly flours.
  • Coconut flour – you need a residual of both flour to achieve the all-time keto carrot cake texture. If you want to use only almond flour, you may have to apply 4 times more than almond flour to supercede the recipe's coconut flour.
  • Erythritol – or any keto crystal sweetener of choice to naturally sweetened the block concoction. Learn how to convert keto sweeteners.
  • Unsalted butter– yes, it's keto-friendly!
  • Big eggs at room temperature
  • Vanilla extract
  • Shredded carrots – peel the carrots, trim the ends, and shred in a food processor using the smaller attachment.
  • Almond milk
  • Baking powder
  • Nutmeg
  • Ginger
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Table salt

Step iv: Mensurate the cake frosting ingredients

On some other area of your kitchen countertop, measure all the cream cheese frosting ingredients.

It is totally fine to measure out these ingredients afterwards in the recipe, for example, when the cakes are broiled.

It takes about 1 60 minutes for the cakes to cool down, giving the frosting ingredients time to soften and be at room temperature when y'all need to make the frosting.

Don't remove dairy ingredients from the refrigerator for more than 2 hours before using them in a recipe to avert bacteria contagion.

The keto block frosting ingredients you demand are:

  • Softened cream cheese –read why it is keto-friendly.
  • Powdered sugar-free sweetener – I used powdered erythritol.
  • Vanilla extract
  • Softened unsalted butter
Low carb carrot cake

Making The Cake Batter

Start, beat the eggs, melted butter, erythritol, unsweetened almond milk, and vanilla extract. Ensure that the ingredients are roughly at the same temperature to avoid issues similar hot melted butter cake 'cooking' the eggs and forming egg lumps.

In another bowl, combine all the dry ingredients: almond flour, kokosnoot flour, baking powder, spices, and salt.

Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir to combine and course a smoothen keto carrot cake batter.

Finally, stir in the shredded carrots and half of the finely chopped nuts.

Filling the cake pan

Now, split up the batter evenly into the two ix-inch round cake pans.

Oil and cover the cake pans with parchment paper to foreclose the cake batter from sticking to them.

You will roughly fill up each cake pan with ii cups of cake concoction. Then, bang each block pan onto the kitchen countertop a few times to remove any trapped air bubbles.


Option 1: bake both layers at the same fourth dimension in two cake pans

This is my favorite pick to create two cake layers of the same thickness.

This works only if your oven temperature is well calibrated and you tin fit two nine-inch block pans in the middle rack of your oven.

If so, place both cake pans in the oven'south center rack, preheated to 350°F (180°C). Bake until a choice inserted in each block comes out clean.

If y'all work on fan-forced manner, both cakes will bake at the same speed. For regular style, the block in the forepart may need a few more minutes to set in the eye.

Option 2: bake each cake pan separately

Apply this option if your oven is as well pocket-sized to fit two pans on the same rack or if your oven temperature calibration is not perfect.

This is the instance for most ovens that are roughly more than 8-x years erstwhile or for toaster ovens!

For this option, yous will fill both cake pans evenly with the keto cake concoction.

So, bake the first cake layer in the eye rack of the oven keeping the other filled cake pan at room temperature.

When the first layer is baked, remove it from the oven, and cool it down on a rack.

Immediately place the 2nd cake pan in the same oven spot, and bake for the same time until baked through.

Option 3: bake the whole batter at one time

This is not a recommended option because this keto carrot cake is very moist, and information technology won't be easy to half it lengthwise without breaking the crumb.

So if y'all only accept one 9-inch cake pan at home, I would rather recommend blistering the kickoff cake layer.

Then, absurd information technology in the pan, wash the pan with h2o and soap, dry it and grease it again, calculation a piece of parchment paper at the bottom.

Then, reuse the same pan to bake the remaining batter and make the second cake layer.


Beginning, place each baked carrot cake into a cooling rack and absurd completely – it takes about an 60 minutes.

Set up the cream cheese frosting

Meanwhile, prepare the keto foam cheese frosting.

In a large mixing basin, add softened cream cheese, heavy foam, and vanilla excerpt.

Beat with an electric beater at high speed for i minute until the cream cheese is soft and fluffy.

Then, terminate the beater, and add softened butter and powdered sweetener.

Finally, crush again until the frosting is shine and fluffy. You tin can add more heavy cream if your frosting is likewise thick for your liking.

Frosting the keto carrot cake

Identify the start cake layer onto a turning table or serving plate and spread half of the keto frosting.

So, identify the second cake layer on elevation of it and add the remaining frosting. Spread all over the top and sides of the cake.

Finally, decorate the pinnacle of the keto carrot cake with the remaining chopped pecans and walnuts.

Keto carrot cake

Storage Instructions

This is a large keto cake, serving 12 slices.

Luckily, it stores up to four days in a cake box in the refrigerator or up to iii months in the freezer.

If you freeze your keto carrot block, make sure it's in a sealed box to avoid contact with air.

Then, thaw the cake the day before eating information technology in the fridge.

If y'all prefer a single-serve keto carrot cake recipe, try my keto carrot block muffins instead.

Keto carrot cake gluten-free

Allergy Swaps

Even if the amount of shredded carrots is very low in this recipe to continue the full internet carbs low, you may want a lower-carb option.

In this example, swap the shredded carrots with shredded zucchinis. Zucchinis release style more water into the block batter, and so before adding them, make sure yous:

  • Clasp the grated zucchinis in a make clean kitchen towel
  • Discard the zucchini juice
  • Measure in a measuring cup to avoid adding as well much – this will make the cake concoction too moist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Add together Cocoa Pulverization?

No, it wouldn't sense of taste practiced with the carrots. Make my Keto Chocolate Cake instead.

How Many Carbs Are In Keto Carrot Cake?

This keto cake has iv.1 grams of net carbs per serving.

the best Keto carrot cake recipe

More Keto Cake Recipes

I dearest creating keto depression-carb dessert recipes to ready my sugariness tooth on my keto journey.

Below I listed my other keto cake recipes for you lot to endeavor and share with family and friends:

keto vanilla cake

Keto Cake

Keto cinnamon bread recipe

Keto Red Velvet Cake

keto cake coconut flour

Keto French Almond Cake

Keto Chocolate Cake RecipeKeto Chocolate Cake Recipe

Keto Pineapple Up Side Down Cake With Almond Flour Gluten free

Keto German Cake with coconut pecan frosting

Have yous tried this gluten-gratis carrot cake with almond flour? Share a review or comment below. I dearest to hear back from yous on my recipes!

Recipe Card

Keto carrot cake recipe

Keto Carrot Cake g Net Carbs

An easy keto carrot cake recipe for celebrating any occasion with a delicious low-carb staff of life total of gustation!

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cook Time: xl mins

Total Time: one hr

Yield: 16 slices

Serving Size: 1 slice (serves 16)

Internet Carbs four.1 g

Fat 29.8 chiliad

Poly peptide 7.i g

Calories 311.viii kcal

  • 5 large Eggs at room temperature
  • ¾ cup Erythritol or ane/2 erythritol + 1/4 cup aureate erythritol
  • ½ cup Unsalted Butter at room temperature
  • ¼ cup Unsweetened Almond Milk at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • ii cups Almond Flour
  • ¼ cup Kokosnoot Flour
  • 1 tablespoon Blistering Pulverisation
  • ¼ teaspoon Nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon Ginger
  • ½ teaspoon Table salt
  • i ½ teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 ½ cup Shredded Carrots not packed in the cups, loose 180g
  • ½ loving cup Pecans finely chopped
  • ½ loving cup Walnuts finely chopped

Keto quick start guide

New to Keto? Join my Keto Quick Start Guide now to get all the all-time keto tips for beginners, straight to your inbox!

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  • Bring all the cake concoction ingredients out of the fridge 30 minutes before making the block to ensure your eggs and almond milk are at room temperature.

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F(180°C). Line 2 9-inch round block pans with parchment paper and generously oil the bottom and sides with kokosnoot oil. Set bated.

  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs, melted butter, erythritol, unsweetened almond milk, and vanilla excerpt. Set bated.

  • In some other large mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients: almond flour, kokosnoot flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, salt, and blistering powder.

  • Combine the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and stir until it forms a consistent polish cake batter.

  • Stir in shredded carrots and half of the amount of pecans and walnuts.

  • Divide the batter evenly into the 2 prepared cake pans.

  • Bake both cake pans in the center rack of the oven for 35-forty minutes or until a pick inserted in the center of the cake comes out make clean.

Cool completely the cake layers

  • Absurd down the cake onto cooling racks for at to the lowest degree 1 hour before frosting.

  • Meanwhile, take the foam cheese frosting ingredients out of the fridge. Information technology volition give them ane 60 minutes to soften to make a creamy keto cake frosting.

  • When the block layers are at room temperature, prepare the frosting.

Fix the frosting

  • In a large mixing basin, add softened foam cheese, two tablespoons of heavy cream, and vanilla extract. Beat on medium-high speed for 1 minute, until fluffy.

  • Stop the beater, add in softened butter and powdered sweetener, and trounce over again until flossy. If too thick, beat in the extra tablespoon of heavy foam.

Frost the cake

  • Place the outset cake layer on a cake turntable or serving plate. Using a flat tool like a spatula, spread half of the cake frosting all over the top of the cake. It's ok if information technology overflows on the sides.

  • Add the second layer on height of the cake, and spread the remaining frosting on pinnacle. Spread with a flat tool until the top and sides of the cake are all covered with frosting and shine.

  • Decorate the top of the keto carrot cake with the remaining chopped pecans and chopped walnuts.

  • Place the cake in the fridge for 2 hours to set the frosting and blend the flavors.


  • Store the cake in a sealed container in the fridge for up to iv days. Piece just before serving to keep the crumb moist and fresh.

  • You tin also freeze the block for up to 3 months in an airtight container and thaw it the mean solar day earlier in the fridge.

To save your own individual notes on your favorite recipes, bring together Sweetashoney Members!

Diet Facts

Keto Carrot Block

Amount Per Serving (ane slice (serves 16))

Calories 311.8 Calories from Fat 268

% Daily Value*

Fat 29.8g 46%

Saturated Fat 11.7g 73%

Trans Fat 0.5g

Cholesterol 104.4mg 35%

Sodium 338.6mg 15%

Potassium 113mg 3%

Carbohydrates 7.2g 2%

Fiber 3.1g xiii%

Saccharide one.9g ii%

Protein 7.1g xiv%

Net Carbs 4.1g

Vitamin A 2638.9IU 53%

Vitamin C 0.8mg ane%

Calcium 116mg 12%

Iron ane.2mg 7%

* Percentage Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie nutrition.

Keto carrot cake

Is Carrot Cake Keto Friendly,


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